Chinese stealth armor fallout 3

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Jingwei's Shocksword Stack: Seems to be the same as above, but with a unique object effect.Jingwei's Shocksword DOT: A weaker version of the Shocksword with simulation-level item HP.It does significantly less damage but always knocks the target down on hit. Gauss Rifle: A test version of the Gauss Rifle, which uses the model of the Laser Rifle.Electric Sword Damage Multiply: Same as 'Electric Sword'.Electric Sword A Electrocute Crit Knockdown: Same as above, but it inflicts knockdown instead of vaporizing on a critical hit.Electric Sword: A weaker test version of Jingwei's Shocksword.Chinese Dragoon Assault Rifle: Anchorage skin, same stats.10mm Alloy Steel Submachine Gun: Since there is no sim-specific 10mm SMG skin, this differs from the wasteland version in name only.Other than its name and cleaned-up appearance it's exactly the same. Uses the simulation AR skin but is otherwise identical to the regular R91. Alloy Steel Assault Rifle: Another cut end-of-quest reward.It is actually possible to get the sim version through a glitch, but not the weaker unused one. Winterized Combat Armor: A wasteland version of the armor, intended to be taken outside of the simulation.Chinese Jumpsuit: A winterized Chinese jumpsuit, intended to be taken as a reward by the player at the end of the simulation.testPhilSnowHelmet: Called Combat Helmet in-game, this is actually a snowman head which is turned on its side when equipped.